This webpage is hosted by a German server so I need to have an “Impressum” by German law.

Impressum | Legal Notice

Details according to § 5 TMG (Telemediengesetz | telemedia law)
Alexander Fuchs
Fritz-Kirsch-Zeile 19
12459 Berlin | Germany


VAT identification number according to §27a UStG (Umsatzsteuergesetz | sales tax law):

Details about my professional liability insurance

Adress of the insurer
exali GmbH
Franz-Kobinger-Str. 9
86157 Augsburg | Germany

Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV (Rundfunkstaatsvertrag | Interstate Broadcasting Agreement)
Alexander Fuchs
Fritz-Kirsch-Zeile 19
12459 Berlin | Germany

EU dispute resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR), which you can find here: Consumers have the possibility to use this platform to resolve their disputes. My e-mail address can be found above. I am neither committed nor willing to participate in the dispute resolution process.

All images © 2017-2022 by Alex Fuchs. All rights reserved.

Don`t copy text!